NT Festivals et al
Banner Image: Max Stretton in Tracks production.
ABC Darwin documentary on the Bougainvillia Festival 1994, soon after renamed the Darwin Festival
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Darwin Festival in real time
A series of articles about the Darwin Festival published in RealTime magazine
Site Seen - 1996
Top End Mix - 1997
Festival of the Never Never - 1999
A Tale of Two Cities - 2000
Darwin Festival in Peace Time - 2001
Hot Enough for Ya? - 2003
Keeping our Distance - 2004
Darwin Art-Time - 2005
NT’s Festive Season - 2007
‘A Festival Event: Aspects of the Changing Nature and Content of Some Community Celebrations in Darwin in the Twentieth Century’ NT Journal of History. Mickey Dewar 2008
Galuku Gallery, Botanic Gardens, Darwin.
Tracks: The opportunity of distance
LINK tracksdance.com.au/landing/iconic-tracks-works